Friday, November 18, 2011

Title 1 Math Teacher Comment

Speaking with the Title 1 math teachers, we were conversing how the students were doing.  She informed me that she was impressed with how my students were able to think through problems and actually solved the problems.  An example,  a student was given a multiplication word problem.  The students have not been taught about multiplication nor have the studied their facts.  The students were able to draw out the problem and were able to solve the problem.  She stated that most 3rd grade students in her other classes just gave up on the problems.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Computer Lab Changes (removal of

Students have just completed their first benchmarks.  Students will now be working problems in Study Island on math STAAR based problems four days a week.  The other day will be devoted to working on Math-Facts-in-a-Flash on math facts.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

First Benchmark Completed

We just completed our first round of math benchmarking.  The scores are coming in.  This will give me the foundation to see if improvement will be made.  I have 4 ELL's, and they all were not passing the first round of test. I have 17 non-ELL's of which 7 passed the first round.  Areas of each students weakness will be further analyzed.  The test contained many multi-step problems which is a high level test and most of the students have not been taught the concepts yet.  All students took the same test and no modifications were used.