Thursday, August 25, 2011

How Educational Leaders Might Use Blogs

Educational leaders can use blogs in many ways.  One way leaders can use blogs is when working on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), people on the team can log in their thoughts as they work on the issue.  Others on the team can make comments on other team members' thoughts - clarifying, questioning, or even praising another team member on their thoughts on the item.   Another way blogs can be used is by just documenting or journaling ones own thoughts.  There are numerous ways a blog can be used. It just depends on how creative the owner of the blog wants to be.

1 comment:

  1. Angelia,

    This is a great idea. I agree that there are numerous ways of using blogs in education. I believe this will soon be a method our school will use for teachers. My hope is it will eventually become a tool in the classroom. Currently, it is not available to our students. Although I am looking for ways to use blogs and wiki's in the classroom through our intranet.

