Sunday, September 11, 2011

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Project
Does technology in a 3rd Grade math class with ESL inclusion increase the scores of both the ESL and non-ESL students?
·         Does technology increase scores equally basing the average of ESL students vs. average on non-ESL students?
·         With the aid of technology (blogging and PowerPoints) are students able to answer higher level thinking questions that might appear on the STAAR test?
·         Will the TELPAS scores from a classroom that uses technology increase more than those without technology?
·         With posting the blogs and PowerPoints on the internet, does it lead to more discussion between students and parents about what is being taught in the classroom?
·         Does it help students remember the topic long term?

Action Steps(s)
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Video formatted lessons  (listening skills)
Angelia Moses
8/22/11-5/1/12 (daily)
Envision web textbook
The students have a better understanding of the lessons using the visual aspect of the video lesson.
Study Island (focused on reading and analyzing questions)
Angelia Moses
Restart 2/1/12 – 4/30/2012
(twice a week)
Study Island
After the lesson has been taught and students’ independent work is complete, students’ will take STAAR-based questions as reinforcement and after reset in February, as a review.  Passing or mastery should be seen when completing as a review.
Math Facts in a Flash  
Angelia Moses
(once a week)
Math Facts in a Flash
Students should be able to recall their basic math facts.
Blogging – high level questioning collaborating in small groups (focused on writing, speaking, and listening)
a.    Students must write and speak in complete sentence.
b.   Students must check their writing for correctness before posting.
c.    Students will use proper grammar when presenting their ideas to the class from the blog.
Angelia Moses
(minimum of once per topic)
Internet Math Blog Site
Students in small groups will discuss questions or create problems to be discussed by the class.  Using proper English in the written and spoken form will be reinforced.  Allow parents to see work from home and allow parent/students review.
PPTS – independent work to share as a review (focused on pictures, writing,  speaking as a presenter,  and listening to others)
Angelia Moses
(once per topic)
MS PowerPoint
Students will create PowerPoints in small groups each with a different lesson discussed during the topic.  Students will present their PowerPoint as a review for before the Topic test.  PowerPoints will be posted on the internet for future review (before benchmarks and/or STAAR testing)
Benchmarking/STAAR Test
Angelia Moses/ Mrs. Johnson or Mrs. Lowe
October 2011
January 2012
March 2012
April 2012
After each benchmark and/or STAAR test the scores should increase in both ESL and non-ESL students.
Angeila Moses / Mrs. Wetton
September 2011
May 2012
Looking at previous years TELPAS scores and comparing them to the scores in 2012, there should be more of an improvement than those who did not receive the learning through technology.
Analyzing Data
Angelia Moses
October 2011
January 2012
March 2012
May 2012
Eduphoria / MS Excel
After each benchmark scores will be analyzed for areas that still need to be reinforced for each student to ensure success on the STAAR test.

1 comment:

  1. Angelina,
    I think you have a very comprehensive plan in place. I'm wondering what kind of data you will be using to show growth or progress, for example, that students will learn better from video formatted lessons. How will you gauge that students learned more successfully that way versus a hands on activity with manipulatives or from taking notes? I think you are on the right track but will be wondering later how you will know that really was "why" they learned better. Could you possibly use a pre-assessment or perhaps teach a lesson using a different format and then use the video while taking a short formative assessment after each (such as maybe a "ticket out")? Then on the next lesson, switch and do the video first, etc. This way you would know for sure whether or not the video helped. The same goes for the students learning basic math facts. How will you know Math Facts in a Flash is "why" they are learning them vs something else going on in the classroom?
    I really like how you are tying in your ELPS with the different modalities of learning. I also like how you are comparing TELPAS scores with previous years. I am an instructional coach on a bilingual campus so I know how important it is to incorporate the ELPS within the classroom.
    I think you have an excellent research topic! The students of today are not the same as those we taught 10 years ago and certainly won't be the same as the students 10 years from now. Technology must be integrated effectively; I truly believe children's brains are evolving with all of the new technology, in a manner like we've never seen before.
    Best of luck with your project! I hope these ideas are helpful. I look forward to following your research.
